It's not often that we get something so weird yet so infatuating from across the pond. These are polish terry cloth bathrobes inquite avant-gardepatterns — but can luxury be found in military surplus? That's what we had to investigate.
The bathrobe has long been a stereotypical symbol of luxury &the finer things in life. You step out of your custom-tiled shower or bath and instead of drying yourself off, awkwardly dressing your not-quite-yet-dry body, you instead envelop yourself in high quality terry cloth and lettimedo the work to get you dry. You might even make yourself aWhite Russianor two...
But regardless if you're LARPing asThe Dudein an appropriatelyPolishrobe, it really is one of those things that end up being hard to go without once you try it...
- Genuine Polish Army Issue
- Available in 4 colorways, white, orange, green and blue.
- 100% cotton terry cloth
- Shawl collar
- 2 Hip pockets
- Simple tied waistbelt
- Does not add '-ski' to the end of your surname
- White Russian not included
Bathrobes are in unissued condition, with only minor signs of wear from storage at most.
Polish Bathrobe